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Dez 18Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2024 11:43
University of Oxford - Ashmolean Museum
Curator of Roman Coins
Ref. 176621
Full Time / Permanent
£55,636 to £60,639 per annum : Grade 9
About the role
Reporting to the Deputy Keeper of the Heberden Coin Room, you will look after the Ashmolean Museum's c. 110,000 Roman Republican, Roman Imperial and Iron Age coins. You will, in particular, drive the digitisation of the coins under your care and oversee the rehousing of the reserve collections.
You will use your research time, including sabbaticals, to conduct world class research in the area of Roman numismatics. Furthermore, you will give 16 hours per year of lectures on Roman Coinage for the Faculty of Classics, teach the subject to Oxford undergraduates and graduates and supervise doctoral students.
This is a permanent, full-time position, working 37.5 hours per week. The role currently supports working from home for up to two days per week on average.
This position is subject to a satisfactory basic Disclosure and Barring Service check. This role will also involve some lone working and travel outside of Europe or North America on University Business.
The Heberden Coin Room
The Heberden Coin Room is a department of the Ashmolean Museum, in the University of Oxford. With c. 300,000 coins of all periods and all countries and collections of medals, tokens, and paper money, it represents one of the leading international coin cabinets (see:<>).
About You
You have a doctorate in Roman numismatics, a record of publications and extensive experience working with coins in a museum environment.
You have experience lecturing and teach Roman numismatics at both graduate and undergraduate levels but you can also address general audiences.
You have excellent general IT skills and know how to use numismatic databases.
What We Offer
As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees' wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:
* An excellent contributory pension scheme
* 38 days of annual leave
* A comprehensive range of childcare services
* Family leave schemes
* Cycle loan scheme
* Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans
More information is available at<>
Our staff and students come from all over the world, and we proudly promote a friendly and inclusive culture. Diversity is positively encouraged, through diverse groups and champions, as well as a number of family-friendly policies, such as the right to apply for flexible working and support for staff returning from periods of extended absence, for example, shared parental leave.
How to apply
You will be required to upload your CV and a supporting statement as part of your online application. Your supporting statement should list each of the essential and desirable selection criteria, as listed in the job description, and explain how you meet each one. Both documents must be submitted to be considered.
We aim to provide a supportive working environment and are happy to discuss training and professional development opportunities. The Chair of this recruitment panel will be Volker Heuchert, Deputy Keeper of the Heberden Coin Room, who can be contacted with enquiries relating to the role (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. >). General queries about the recruitment and application process should be directed to the Recruitment team within our Human Resources department (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. >).
Only applications received online by 12.00 midday (GMT) on Friday 10 January 2025 can be considered. Interviews are expected to take place on Thursday 6 February 2025.
Dez 18Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2024 11:41
University of Oxford - Lincoln College
((note that "Classical Archaeology and Ancient History" is offered at undergraduate level at Lincoln College, see ))
The College invites applications for an Access and Career Development Fellow, tenable for a fixed term of four years from 1 March 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The Fellowship is open to those researching in any subject offered at undergraduate level at the College, and is intended for candidates who are at an early stage of their postdoctoral career.
This purpose of this Fellowship is to help the College meet its access and outreach aims by placing an active academic at the heart of access and outreach activities. At the end of the post the Fellow will have an outstanding record of research to enable them to advance to the next stage of their career and the College will have a well-developed programme of academic-led access and outreach work which can be carried forward. The responsibilities of the position are divided between these two priorities: 60% of the Fellow's time will be devoted to access work and 40% of their time will be spent development of their academic career through research.
The salary offered £38,674 in year 1, rising by annual increments to £41,997 in the final year. Applicants will be required to provide original documentation showing their right to work in the UK. Applicants will be required to provide original documentation of their right to work in the UK. If the chosen candidate requires a UK visa, advice on the relevant visa route and visa application process will be provided by the University's Staff Immigration Team.
Further particulars and application forms are available via the 'Apply' button above.
Applications should be received by 12 noon on 10 January 2025.
Application forms in alternative formats may be requested and the completed forms are to be received in College by the same date.
Dez 18Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2024 11:39
The University of Edinburgh - School of History, Classics and Archaeology
PhD Studentship: School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Our School
The School of History, Classics and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh is one of the great world centres for the study of the human past. By studying with us, you will be joining one of the most respected institutions of its kind in the world, with an international reputation for high-calibre teaching and research.
The University of Edinburgh is consistently ranked one of the best 50 universities in the world and is 12th in the 2024 QS World University Rankings for Arts and Humanities.
Our Programmes
The PhD is a 3-year (full-time) or 6-year (part-time) programme, leading to a dissertation of 80-100,000 words on an original topic, researched and written under the expert supervision of academic staff. We also offer a PhD by Distance mode of study for students who wish to study remotely and whose project and experience allows them to do so.
We offer PhDs in:
* History
* Economic and Social History
* Scottish History
* Classics
* Archaeology
The size of Edinburgh's history department, and the breadth of expertise available, means that we can offer supervision for research projects in a wide array of fields, spanning two millennia and five continents.
We have particularly strong research concentrations in Scottish history, history of the Americas, African history, Second World War Studies, British and Irish history, social and economic history, and medieval history.
We are also keen to encourage applications from prospective doctoral students in the following research areas:
* Global and Transnational History
* Intellectual history of early modern Europe
* History of Gender and Sexuality
* Material Culture and History
Edinburgh's Classics department is one of the largest in the UK, and we welcome applications for all areas of Classical studies: Greek and Latin literature and thought, Greek, Roman and Byzantine history, Classical art and archaeology. Among areas of particular strength are Greek literature and the emotions, Greek political history, slavery in the Greek and Roman world, Roman and Late Antique archaeology, Late Antique literature, and Byzantine history.
We are also keen to encourage applications from prospective students in the following research areas:
* Ancient Law
* The Classical Tradition in Byzantium/the Medieval West
Our research interests range span the whole human past from the Stone Age up to the present day and range from late hunter-gatherers in Europe to the construction of sustainable cities in Africa. We have particular research interests in European prehistory, Mediterranean archaeology, osteoarchaeology, bioarchaeology, isotope geochemistry, coastal and marine archaeology, and cultural heritage studies. We are also keen to encourage applications from prospective doctoral students in the following research areas:
* Cultural Heritage and Community Engagement
* Scottish Archaeology
* Egyptology
PhD students participate actively in our lively research culture through our groups and centres and through staff and student-led seminars. We have a number of cross-School research groups, including Intellectual History; Late Antique and Byzantine Studies; Histories of Gender and Sexuality; Global and Transnational; the History of Science, Medicine and Technology. We also have four Research Centres: The Centre for the Study of Modern and Contemporary History; the Edinburgh Centre for Global History; and the Centre for Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies, and the Centre for Medieval & Renaissance Studies.
The School provides training in research and professional skills, and PhD students also benefit from courses offered by the Institute of Academic Development, as well as the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science. PhD students have access to dedicated study space in the School.
The School has access to a number of sources of PhD funding, including School Doctoral Scholarships, AHRC Scholarships within the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities, ESRC Scholarships within the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science and funding competitions within the University of Edinburgh. All of these are open to applicants for on-campus programmes, while PhD by Distance applicants can apply to School and College awards.
How to apply
To find out more about the research interests of our staff and to identify a potential supervisor, please consult our website<>
Applicants must contact a potential supervisor before applying and name them on their application. All applicants will also be interviewed following their initial application. Further information is available from the Postgraduate Research Office:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. >
Dez 18Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2024 11:26
Call for papers
19.-21.03.25, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Im Jahr 2024 sind nur etwa 38% der Lehrstühle in der Latinistik von Frauen*[1] besetzt, in der Gräzistik sind es sogar nur 12%. Insbesondere wenn man sich den sehr hohen Anteil an Studentinnen* der Fächer[2] vor Augen führt, machen diese Zahlen die ‚gläserne Decke‘ sichtbar und zeigen, dass Frauen* in der Klassischen Philologie noch heute unterrepräsentiert sind. Auf dem Weg zur Professur sind Frauen* vor allem in der Postdoc-Phase mit (geschlechtsspezifischen) Herausforderungen und Hindernissen konfrontiert, welche nicht nur gesellschaftlich und strukturell bedingt sind, sondern auch mit Fragen der Sichtbarkeit und der Bewertung von Frauen* in der Wissenschaft einhergehen.
Vor diesem Hintergrund laden wir zur Tagung „Dux femina facti – Frauen(netzwerk) in der Klassischen Philologie“ ein. Die Tagung will einerseits Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen* der Klassischen Philologie, die an deutschen Universitäten tätig sind bzw. langfristig tätig sein möchten, miteinander vernetzen, Wissenschaftlerinnen* unterschiedlicher Karrierephasen zwischen Promotion und (Junior-)Professur miteinander ins Gespräch bringen und so gerade jüngere Wissenschaftlerinnen* in ihrer Karriereentwicklung unterstützen. Sie bietet andererseits die Gelegenheit, eigene laufende Forschungsprojekte in einem wertschätzenden und konstruktiven Austausch zu präsentieren und zu diskutieren.
Gerahmt werden die Vortragspanels von einem Keynote-Vortrag von Katharina Wesselmann, einer Podiumsdiskussion und drei Workshops. Die Podiumsdiskussion am zweiten Veranstaltungstag mit Lisa Cordes, Verena Schulz und Anke Walter ermöglicht eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema Karriereplanung und den aktuellen Herausforderungen im Hinblick auf Geschlechterdifferenzen in der Klassischen Philologie und schafft einen Raum für den gezielten Austausch zwischen Professorinnen* und Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen*. In den Workshops werden Themen wie „Netzwerken und Sichtbarkeit in der Klassischen Philologie“ und genderspezifische Perspektiven auf Bewerbung, Antragstellung und Karriereplanung erarbeitet und besprochen.
Der Call for Papers richtet sich an Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen* aller Karrierephasen. Werkstattberichte, die Vorstellung und Diskussion erster Thesen und die Präsentation offener Fragen sind herzlich willkommen. Dementsprechend gibt es drei Formate: Vorträge sind wahlweise im Umfang von 30 oder von 45 Minuten einschließlich Diskussion vorgesehen. Zudem gibt es die Möglichkeit zu einem Projekt-Pitch (maximal 10 Minuten), in dem Projektideen oder einzelne Aspekte der eigenen Forschungsvorhaben vorgestellt und im Anschluss in Kleingruppen diskutiert werden können.
Dem Themenkomplex „Frauen und Geschlecht in der antiken Literatur und Fachgeschichte“ ist ein eigenes Vortragspanel gewidmet, um dieses Thema im wissenschaftlichen deutschen Diskurs zu fördern. Neben Forschungsvorhaben, die sich mit Frauen* und Geschlecht in der Antike bzw. der Fachgeschichte befassen, sind aber explizit auch alle anderen Projekte aus der Klassischen Philologie erwünscht.
Vorschläge für Vorträge (max. 350 Wörter, PDF-Format mit Angabe des gewünschten Formats) können bis zum 15.01.25 per Mail an
Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. eingereicht werden. Die Rückmeldung erfolgt spätestens zum 31.01.25.Übernachtungskosten können übernommen werden. Wir bemühen uns außerdem darum, Reisekostenzuschüsse und ggf. Kinderbetreuung zu ermöglichen.
Organisatorinnen: Henrike Arnold (Marburg), Laura Bottenberg (Tübingen), Mareike Ehlert (Osnabrück), Paula Neumann (Marburg), Saskia Schomber (München), Lisa-Marei Stalp (Gießen)
Auf einen Blick:
¥ 19.-21.03.25, Bewerbung bis zum 15.01.25
^ Mögliche Formate: - Vortrag (30 Minuten inkl. Diskussion)
- Vortrag (45 Minuten inkl. Diskussion)
- Projekt-Pitch (max. 10-minütige Kurzvorstellung)
8 Phillips-Universität Marburg, Creative Space, Bahnhofstr. 7
* Bewerbung und weitere Informationen:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. [1] Mit dem Begriff Frauen* werden alle Personen bezeichnet, die sich einer weiblichen Geschlechtsidentität zugehörig fühlen. Wir sind uns der Benachteiligung anderer marginalisierter Gruppen innerhalb der Wissenschaft und den damit verbundenen Problematiken bewusst, die Tagung und die dort thematisierten Aspekte richten sich aber zunächst insbesondere an alle Personen, die sich als Frau identifizieren.
[2] Im Wintersemester in der Gräzistik 2022/23 47% (174 Studentinnen), in der Latinistik 57% (985 Studentinnen), in der nicht weiter bestimmten Klassischen Philologie 54% (194 Studentinnen), Quelle: Statistisches Bundesamt.
Dez 18Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2024 11:14
Appel à candidature pour « L’atelier de formation aux
céramiques grecques et sicéliotes. Epoques classique et
hellénistique. Identification, étude, restitution » (14-18 avril
2025, Sicile)
Les responsables de la formation sont Priscilla Munzi (CNRS,
Centre Jean Bérard), Claude Pouzadoux (Université Paris
Nanterre), Lou de Barbarin (Ecole française de Rome) et Jean-
Christophe Sourisseau (Université Aix-Marseille).
Dans la lignée de deux premiers ateliers qui se sont tenus à Mégara
Hyblaea en mai 2023 et en Grèce en juin 2024 à Athènes, Érétrie et
Mégare, cette troisième édition s’insère dans le cycle de formations
2024-2026 dédiées à l’étude des céramiques grecques intitulé : « Céramiques grecques et histoires
méditerranéennes : ateliers de formation à l’étude céramique, de la Grèce égéenne à la Sicile grecque (Âge du Bronze
- Époque hellénistique) », porté par Lou de Barbarin dans le cadre d’une collaboration entre l’École française de Rome,
Aix-Marseille Université (fondation Amidex, Centre Camille Jullian – Institut d’Archéologie méditerranéenne Arkaia) et
le Centre Jean Bérard.
L’objectif de l’atelier est de transmettre les connaissances essentielles à l’examen, l’identification, l’étude et la
documentation des vestiges céramiques relatifs à ces époques. Il s’agit aussi de montrer comment la céramique,
souvent considérée comme une étroite spécialité technique, apanage des céramologues et historiens de l’art, peut être
un outil à part entière de l’analyse historique.
Bénéficiaires potentiels de l’atelier : jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs (niveau Master et Doctorat) de toutes
nationalités dont les sujets de recherche nécessitent la manipulation ou la familiarisation avec des corpus céramiques
du monde grec classique et hellénistique (seconde moitié du Ve - première moitié du IIe siècle av. J.-C.).
Les conférences pourront être assurées en français ou en italien.
Date limite de candidature : 17 janvier 2025
Contact :Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. ;Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. ;Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.
Dez 18Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2024 11:12
Appel à candidature pour la 4e École thématique en
Épigraphie romaine de l’Université Grenoble-Alpes (10-15
mars 2025, Vienne, Isère)
La 4e école thématique en épigraphie romaine 2025 se donne pour
but de former aux méthodes de l’épigraphie un public de grands
débutants qui auraient besoin d’une initiation de haut niveau et
accélérée pour renforcer leur projet d’étude ou leur projet de
Cette école thématique donnera aux participants une connaissance :
de la bibliographie et des outils principaux, des sources, des grands
types d’inscriptions, des apports de l’épigraphie dans l’étude des
sociétés anciennes, des domaines de l’histoire dans lesquels la
maîtrise de l’épigraphie joue un rôle important, des règles d’éditions
d’une inscription, et proposera une ouverture au langage numérique
de publication des inscriptions, avec un élargissement à l’étude de
l’iconographie en lien avec le texte. L’école thématique alternera les
sessions de cours et les sessions d’atelier dans les réserves du
musée épigraphique de Vienne.
Cet appel s’adresse aux étudiants de L3, M1, M2, doctorat. Les
dossiers seront examinés sans priorité accordée à un niveau d’étude
Date limite de candidature : 20 décembre 2024
Contact :Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. -
Dez 12Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2024 08:51
Relics - Researchers of European Literary Identities Cosmopolitanism and the Schools
Call for Papers
Dear Colleagues,
In the past two years, the research group RELICS organised online roundtable discussions on the
future of Latin studies and education. Excellent impulse talks and vivid discussions made the
events a success, which is why we have decided to continue the effort. We continue to focus on
topics which last years’ discussions highlighted as particularly relevant for the field. This year, we
will look at women as authors of Latin literature from various points of view.
In recent years the study of women authors has grown in importance in Latin studies. This invites
us to rethink the field’s boundaries and traditions. We seek perspectives on women, past and
present, who used Latin to express themselves. Some view modern feminist theories as vital to
the field, while others question their applicability. Does integrating today’s feminist and gender
theories risk overlooking the unique contexts of historical texts? Another point of interest is the
role of social class and other identity markers in shaping women’s representations. Questions
of representation and canon formation remain at the heart of these debates: which texts are
privileged, and how do we teach these texts? Finally, we seek input on regional variations in
approaches to gender in Latin studies. How do perspectives from different countries interact, and
is it possible to trace broader regional approaches shaped by distinct cultural and scholarly
traditions? We invite scholars of all career stages to share their ideas on gender in Latin studies with
We plan to hold the event on 11 March 2025 over Zoom. The exact time will be decided on the
basis of participants’ time zones and will be communicated later. For now, we invite concrete
expressions of interest: short thoughts that you would consider worth discussing or more elaborate
proposals for a substantial contribution to the discussion. From this, we will select speakers to give
impulse talks of five minutes that will serve as a basis for the ensuing discussion.
Proposals and any remaining questions should be sent by 13 January toDiese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. .
With kind regards,
Alex Tadel (University of Warwick)
Simon Smets (KU Leuven) -
Dez 10Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2024 14:35
University of Oxford - Faculty of Classics, Ioannou Centre for Classical & Byzantine Studies & Worcester College
Location: Oxford Salary: £55,755 to £74,867 Per Annum Hours: Full Time Contract Type: Permanent Placed On: 9th December 2024 Closes: 17th January 2025 Job Ref: 177043 Location: Faculty of Classics, Ioannou Centre for Classical & Byzantine Studies 66, St. Giles', Oxford, OX1 3LU / Worcester College, Walton St, Oxford OX1 2HB
The Faculty of Classics and Worcester College are seeking the appointment of an Associate Professor in Ancient History, with a particular focus in Roman History, broadly conceived. The post is available from 1st October 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.
About you
The successful candidate will be an outstanding researcher and teacher in Roman History, broadly conceived (including the history of Late Antiquity). The appointee will be a specialist in the history of Rome and/or the Roman Empire between the third century BCE and the fourth century CE, and will be ready to teach students across the field of Roman History; a specialism in socio-cultural history is particularly welcome.
The appointee will attract and teach graduate students in Roman History and will supervise graduate student theses within their field of expertise. They will be expected to engage in advanced study and research in Roman History, and to give high quality tutorials, seminars, lectures, and supervision at both undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as support and examine students at all levels, and engage in the administrative work of the Faculty and the College - in examination assessment, admissions processes, and faculty administration.
Candidates will have, or be able to demonstrate the promise of, a distinguished record of scholarship and teaching at a level appropriate to the stage of the candidate’s career, together with clear plans for research which demonstrate an ability and a willingness to maintain that record. They should also have an ability and willingness to obtain external funding for individual or larger research projects, and an awareness of the possibilities for seeking funding in the UK and abroad. They must have received the degree of PhD/DPhil by the advertised closing date for this position.
The duties and skills required are described in further detail in the job description.
What we offer
Your happiness and wellbeing at work matters to us, so we offer a range of family friendly and financial benefits including:
- An excellent contributory pension scheme
- 38 days’ annual leave
- A comprehensive range of childcare services
- Family leave schemes
- Cycle to work loan scheme
- Membership to a variety of social and sports clubs
- Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans
Application process
Applications for this vacancy are to be made online via the 'Apply' button above and Vacancy ID 177043 where the job description and access to the online recruitment system can also be found.
For your online application, you will be required to upload your curriculum vitae and a supporting statement, setting out how you meet the selection criteria for the post, using examples of your skills and experience. As part of your application you will be asked to provide details of three referees and indicate whether we can contact them now.
The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on Friday, 17 January 2025. Only applications received before this time can be considered.
Interviews will take place in person in Oxford the month of February 2025.
Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority candidates who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford.
Dez 10Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2024 10:34
Kiel Conference
24.- 29.03.2025
We are pleased to announce that registration for the Kiel Conference 2025 is open. Early Bird registration is available until December 15, 2024, with general registration open until March 10, 2025!
SESSION 01: Evolutionary Archaeology and the Exploration of Major Transitions in Human History • SESSION 03: Neolithic stone-walled
enclosures in Western and Northern Europe (4th–3rd millennium cal BC) • SESSION 04: Obsolete (?) Models, Concepts, and Narratives in
Archaeology • SESSION 05: Identities, Personhood, and Social Relations in Transformation processes • SESSION 06: The contact between
Danes and Slavs in the 7th–12th centuries AD • SESSION 07: Individual agents in artifacts, assemblages, and landscapes: theoretical and
practical approaches in Paleolithic research • SESSION 08: AI in Archaeology • SESSION 09: Visualising multispecies encounters: Art, Affect,
Indigenous Knowledge, and ontology in Other-than-human Worlds • SESSION 10: Approaches to Coupling Earth and Human System Data:
Pitfalls and Potentials • SESSION 12: Neolithic Seascapes: Connectivity, Technology, and Social Organization • SESSION 14: Function and
Material Properties of Ceramics • SESSION 15: Echoes of transformation across the European Pre-Roman Iron Age • SESSION 16: Modeling
conflict in archaeology: Roads to data comparability • SESSION 18: Living with the water. Interdisciplinary prospection strategies to human
impact and adaptation in salt-marsh environment and coastal wetlands • SESSION 19: Material culture and visualisation: Situating styles
in their context of use • SESSION 21: Next Generation Archaeology. Student Contributions at the Kiel Conference • SESSION 22: From
Past to Current Knowledge: the ROOTS of Knowledge Transfer from the Perspective of Ancient Studies • SESSION 23: Dealing with
raising waters – the archaeology of drowned landscapes • SESSION 25: Unlocking the Past: The Advantages of Isotope Analysis
for Archaeological Studies • SESSION 26: Central Europe at the turn of 6th and 5th Millennia BC: crisis, restructuring or something
else? • SESSION 27: Sensory transformations: tracing interactions within archaeological contexts • SESSION 29: Human Mobility and
Landscape Transformation • SESSION 30: Architectureas ‘micro-universe’of prehistoric societies: social, economic and environmental
reconstructions • SESSION 31: Social significance of settlement plans: transformation pattern of past societies • SESSION 32: Development
of palynological tools for understanding past human-environmental interactions • SESSION 33: Scales of Transformation: Human-
environmental Interaction in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies
Register until 10 March 2025 -
Dez 10Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2024 10:25
Das Seminar für Klassische Archäologie veranstaltet gemeinsam mit dem Kunstmuseum
Moritzburg Halle (Saale) der Kulturstiftung Sachsen-Anhalt die 5. Numismatische
Frühlingsschule, die sich an Bachelor- und Masterstudierende aller Fächer im deutsch-
sprachigen Raum wendet.
Ziel der Schule ist es, interessierten Studierenden die Grundlagen der Geldgeschichte
von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart zu vermitteln. Um einen möglichst vollständigen
Überblick zu geben, werden neben diesem chronologischen Zugang u. a. die Funktion
von Fundmünzen, Methoden der Münzherstellung sowie Prägerechte u. a. thematisch
aufgegriffen. Nicht zuletzt soll durch Besuche des Archäologischen Museums der
Universität Halle und des Landesmünzkabinetts des Kunstmuseums Moritzburg Halle
(Saale) die Rolle von Münzen und Medaillen (Sammlungen) im Museum diskutiert wer-
den. Geplant ist zudem eine Exkursion ins Museum Alte Münze in Stolberg (Harz).
Veranstaltet wird die Numismatische Springschool von Dozierenden der Martin-Luther-
Universität Halle-Wittenberg und Mitarbeitern der Kulturstiftung Sachsen-Anhalt, des
Landesamts für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt sowie weiteren exter-
nen Experten.
Da auch mit Originalen gearbeitet werden soll, ist die Teilnehmerzahl auf max. 15
Studierende begrenzt. Nach erfolgreicher Absolvierung des Kurses erhalten die teilneh-
menden Studierenden ein Zertifikat.
Sollte Ihr Interesse geweckt worden sein, so richten Sie Ihre elektronische Bewerbung
mit kurzem Motivationsschreiben (max. 1 Seite) und Lebenslauf bitte bis zum
17. Januar 2025 an: Dr. Aylin Tanrıöver (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. ).
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