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Feb 11Dienstag, 11. Februar 2025 09:29
Plenum: 8.45-13.00 Uhr; Einzelsitzungen nach individueller Absprache
Auch 2025 wird in den ersten zwei Septemberwochen in Bern wieder ein «Sommerkurs fachspezifisches Latein» stattfinden.Angesprochen sind alle, die ihr Latein für ihre jeweiligen Interessen auffrischen wollen. Teilgenommen haben bisher Studierende, Doktorierende und Postdocs aus ganz unterschiedlichen Disziplinen: Alte Geschichte, Archäologie, Mediävistik, Theologie, Kunstgeschichte, Jurisprudenz und Wissenschaftsgeschichte.Neben einer allgemeinen Wiederholung der lateinischen Grammatik werden bei der Auswahl der Übungstexte die Interessen der jeweils Teilnehmenden berücksichtigt, für die auch individuelle Sitzungen zu speziellen Fragen aus ihren Fachgebieten organisiert werden.Sie sind
Student*in (BA/MA), Doktorand*in oder Postdoc
in einer Disziplin mit ‘lateinischer Vergangenheit’ oder Affinität zu lateinischer Literatur,
die Sie sich für Ihre Studien- oder Forschungsinteressen erschliessen wollen.
Sie verfügen über
Vorkenntnisse, die sich auf dem Niveau einer Schweizer Matura beweg(t)en oder auf dem Besuch von universitären Lateinkursen (Bern: Latein II oder III) beruhen.
Wir sind oder waren
Dozierende der Universität Bern und fortgeschrittene Studierende der Klassischen Philologie.
Wir bieten
in einem Mix von Plenarveranstaltungen, binnendifferenziertem Unterricht und 1:1-Betreuung:
- eine Intensivauffrischung in lateinischer Grammatik
- eine Einführung in die Besonderheiten der nachklassischen Latinität
- fachspezifische Blöcke (je nach disziplinärer Zusammensetzung der Gruppe)
- individuelle Supervision bei individuellen Fragen.
Es besteht die Möglichkeit, 4 ECTS-Punkte zu erwerben. Nähere Informationen zu den Modalitäten werden nach der Teilnahmebestätigung erteilt.
Teilnehmer*innenzahl: nicht weniger als fünf, nicht mehr als zwanzig
Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch
Fristen: Bewerbung: bis 31. Mai 2025
Mitteilung über Zulassung: bis 8. Juni 2025
Bewerbungsunterlagen: - Motivationsschreiben (max. 1 Seite), aus dem hervorgeht, was Sie sich von dem Kurs erwarten und welche Texte / Art von Texten Sie gerne behandeln würden
- Angabe Ihrer Studienfächer
- Auskunft über das aktuelle Niveau Ihrer Lateinkenntnisse
als ein PDF zu senden an:
Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. Der Kurs wird in Kooperation mit dem Walter Benjamin Kolleg abgehalten und dankenswerterweise unterstützt
mit Mitteln der Philosophisch-historischen Fakultät der Universität Bern und der Ellen J. Beer-Stiftung.
Feb 11Dienstag, 11. Februar 2025 09:14
Mark Depauw writes:
We are pleased to announce a new Visiting Fellowship for young postdocs (6 years of seniority or less) to interact with the Trismegistos databases, collaborate with the Trismegistos+ team and explore the world of the KU Leuven Research Institute LECTIO.
This LECTIO/Trismegistos+ Visiting Fellowship is one of six in the LECTIO program for the academic year 2025–2026, allowing international scholars working within LECTIO's areas of expertise to come to Leuven for a research stay of 4–6 weeks. Visiting Fellows are embedded in a faculty or a research unit of their academic host, encounter colleagues from LECTIO, discuss their project and often set up new collaborations. They also give a lecture or a seminar for the LECTIO community.
LECTIO and Trismegistos+ cover accommodation for the duration of stay and travel costs of up to 500€; we also take care of the practical arrangements. The fellowship is non-stipendiary.
Full information can be found on this page: The deadline is 16 March 2025.
Feb 08Samstag, 08. Februar 2025 11:42
Phrases such as pay attention, in spite of, and United Kingdom are multi-word
expressions. The signifier is complex but the signified is not, i.e. pay attention is a verb
phrase, in spite of a preposition, and United Kingdom a noun phrase. The Ancient Greek
working group annotates these in classical literary Attic oratory, historiography, and
philosophical prose using the PARSEME 1.3 guidelines (see https://parsemefr.lis- The PARSEME 1.3 guidelines
define comparative concepts for verbal multi-word expressions. A comparative concept
is a concept ‘specifically designed for the purpose of comparison’ and ‘independent of
descriptive categories’ (Haspelmath 2010: 664; Savary et al. 2018: 96; Hoffmann 2023:
29–31; Schafroth 2020). A descriptive category is a category that is used to describe a
language and is language-specific (Haspelmath 2010: 664). The Ancient Greek working
group has translated the comparative concepts of the PARSEME guidelines into
descriptive categories for classical literary Attic historiography, oratory, and
philosophical prose. Furthermore, we push the boundaries as to what types of
structures should perhaps be included in future but are not currently
The proposed volume has three focal areas:
1. [Data] Multi-word expressions in datasets representing different genres, registers,
and styles vis-à-vis the PARSEME Ancient Greek corpus (both other Greek
corpora and other language corpora) (Fendel 2024)
2. [Methodology] Comparative concept vs. descriptive category and the PARSEME
1.3 guidelines for (post)classical Greek
3. [Analysis] Interfaces and blurry lines between categories especially with regard to
the working group’s NotMWE category
While the obvious disciplines addressed are perhaps Linguistics (corpus linguistics),
Classics (philology), and Computer science (natural language processing), we
encourage creative minds to surprise us. We explicitly welcome proposals from those
that are not part of either the UniDive COST action or the PARSEME Ancient Greek
working group.
We are especially interested in under-represented data types such as papyrological and
epigraphic sources and the role multi-word expressions play in these along with the
challenges for identification and/or discovery.
We do not expect everyone to apply a computational approach but rather would like to
see approaches that are data-appropriate. If you are building a tool or conversely sitting
on the theoretical side of things, we ask that there is a clear (direct or comparative)
application to the PARSEME data and methodology.
Abstracts of max. 350 words (excluding bibliography) with author-date references
(but no page numbers) and a list of references providing a clear indication of the
methodology, analysis, and interpretation as well as the relevance to any of the three
focal areas should be sent to the team leader underDiese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. .
Deadline for abstracts: 14 February 2025
Notification of outcome: by 28 February 2025
(Tentative) submission deadline for full drafts: 31 July 2025 (with marginal flexibility if
agreed with the editor in advance)
Fendel, Victoria (ed.). 2024. Support-verb constructions in the corpora of Greek:
Between lexicon and grammar? (Phraseology and Multiword Expressions 7). Berlin:
Language Science Press.
Haspelmath, Martin. 2010. Comparative concepts and descriptive categories in
crosslinguistic studies. Language 86(3). 663–687.
Hoffmann, Roland. 2023. Latin support-verb constructions: a view from language
typology. In José Miguel Baños, María Dolores Jiménez López, María Jiménez Martínez &
Cristina Tur (eds.), Collocations in theoretical and applied linguistics: from classical
languages to Romance languages, 21–56. Madrid: SEEC.
Savary, Agata, Marie Candito, Verginica Mititelu, Eduard Bejček, Fabienne Cap, Slavomír
Čéplö, Silvio Cordeiro, et al. 2018. PARSEME multilingual corpus of verbal multiword
expressions. In Stella Markantonatou, Carlos Ramisch, Agata Savary & Veronika Vincze
(eds.), Multiword expressions at length and in depth: Extended papers from the MWE
2017 workshop, 87–147. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Schafroth, Elmar. 2020. Überlegungen zu Funktionsverbgefügen aus
sprachvergleichender Sicht. In Sabine De Knop & Manon Hermann
(eds.), Funktionsverbgefügen im Fokus: Theoretische, didaktische und kontrastive
Perspektiven, 179–210. Berlin; Boston: Mouton De Gruyter. -
Feb 08Samstag, 08. Februar 2025 11:36
Präsidialdepartement, Antikenmuseum Baselper sofort oder nach Vereinbarung, befristet bis 31.12.2026Ihre Aufgaben
Recherche: Sie assistieren der wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin Provenienzforschung in allen Belangen, insbesondere bei der Recherche in Archiven und Bibliotheken und bei der Aufbereitung der wissenschaftlichen Dokumentation.
Digitalisierung: Die Digitalisierung von Dokumenten sowie das Verwalten der digitalen Ablagen gehören ebenso zu Ihren Aufgaben wie das Verfassen von Zwischenberichten und Protokollen unter Anleitung der wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin und des Museumsdirektors.
Assistenz: Zuarbeiten für die wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Provenienzforschung.
Ihr Profil
Erfahrung: Sie haben Forschungserfahrung und Fachwissen im Bereich Museum. Kenntnisse im Bereich Provenienzforschung sind von Vorteil. Sie beherrschen gängige MS Office-Anwendungen und haben Erfahrung im Umgang mit Bildbearbeitungsprogrammen und Datenbanken
Persönlichkeit: Wir stellen uns eine initiative und fokussierte Persönlichkeit vor, die sorgfältig und selbstständig in einem vertraulichen Bereich forscht. Sie bringen Teamfähigkeit, Interesse an neuen Herausforderungen und hohes Verantwortungsbewusstsein mit.
Ausbildung: Für diese Tätigkeit haben Sie das Studium in den Alterstumwissenschschaften, vorzugsweise in der Klassischen Archäologie, mit dem Bachelor und dem Master abgeschlossen
Sprache: Hervorragende Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift sind unabdinglich. Darüber hinaus verfügen Sie über ausreichend Kenntnisse in der französichen, englischen und/oder italienischen Sprache.
Einblick in unsere Arbeit
Das Antikenmuseum ist eines von fünf Museen der Stadt Basel, welche dem Präsidialdepartement zugeordnet sind. In modern gestalteten Dauer- und Sonderausstellungen präsentiert es eine umfangreiche und herausragende Sammlung ägyptischer, griechischer, italischer, etruskischer und römischer Kunstwerke. Das Antikenmuseum ist das einzige Museum der Schweiz, das sich ganz der antiken Kultur und Kunst des Mittelmeerraums widmet. Damit leistet es einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Kulturpanorama Basels und macht erlebbar, welchen Einfluss die Antike noch heute auf die westliche Welt hat. -
Feb 08Samstag, 08. Februar 2025 11:30
The workshop will take place on June 13, 2025 in Berlin.
This workshop will explore how digital technologies such as mixed reality, serious gaming and daylight simulation can advance archaeological research beyond public outreach. The aim is to demonstrate their potential for answering research-relevant questions, testing established theories and gaining new insights. Participants are invited to present case studies, evaluate current developments and discuss future directions for the integration of 3D technologies in archaeology. Join us for an interdisciplinary exchange on the transformative impact of digital innovations in the field!
Please find attached the detailed call for papers for the workshop with the request to distribute it in your networks.
The application deadline is March 15, 2025.
Feb 07Freitag, 07. Februar 2025 12:41
Rom, 12.02.2025 -
Feb 07Freitag, 07. Februar 2025 12:33
University of Cambridge - Faculty of Classics
Teaching Associate in Greek literature (Temporary Cover)
Full Time, Fixed Term, £34,866 to £45,163 per annum
The Faculty of Classics is seeking to appoint a Temporary Teaching Associate in Classics (Greek literature) from 01 October 2025 (or as soon as possible thereafter) for two years. This post is open to those, at any stage in their career, with a primary research and teaching interest in ancient Greek literature. The successful applicant will benefit from the world-class facilities offered by the University and the generous support of research and teaching provided by the Faculty. Further information about the Faculty is available at [<]<>.
The successful candidate will be expected to take a full share of teaching and examining in ancient Greek language and literature at all levels from beginners to postgraduates, and to assist in administration as appropriate.
We are seeking an individual with a strong academic record and potential to make a significant contribution to the Faculty. Candidates will need to show evidence of the following qualifications, skills and experience:
* Good first degree and a doctorate in a relevant subject area (or clear evidence that completion of such a doctorate is imminent) with publications and participation in scholarly activity commensurate with stage of career;
* Evidence of ability to teach and examine ancient Greek literature effectively at all levels;
* Ability to play an effective role in the life and work of the Faculty;
* Ability to work as part of a team.
In order for your application to be consider, please ensure you upload the following:
* CV
* covering letter
* sample of academic work (published or forthcoming: up to a maximum of approximately 20,000 words) you wish the Committee to read. Candidates may submit samples of unpublished writings or works in progress as pdf documents in the Upload section of the online application.
Applicants are requested to ask two referees to write directly toDiese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. > by the closing date. The Faculty will not contact referees; this is the sole responsibility of the applicant.
Informal enquiries about the post can be directed to Professor Emily Gowers,Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. > Questions about the application process can be directed to the Schools HR Team,Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. >
This post is fixed-term for 2 years or the return of the post holder, whichever is the earlier.
The closing date is midnight (GMT) on Friday 28 February 2025 and interviews are planned for 12 March, subject to change.
To apply online for this vacancy and to view further information about the role, please click the 'Apply' button above.
Please quote reference GE44436 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy
The University actively supports equality, diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from all sections of society.
The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.
Feb 07Freitag, 07. Februar 2025 12:30
University of Edinburgh
The School of History, Classics and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh is pleased to invite applications for a
one-year Teaching and Research Fellowship in Classical Languages and Literature.
The candidate will be required to teach Beginner’s Greek and two Honours Courses in Classical Literature in Translation (Year 3 and 4 UG). The candidate will also be required to offer undergraduate and postgraduate dissertation supervision. The starting date is 1 September 2025.
This post is fixed term (1st September 2025- 31st August 2026) and full-time (35 hours per week)
The salary scale for this post is UE07 £40,247 to £47,874 per annum. This post will be appointed at Grade UE07 Step1, which is £40,247 per annum.
Your skills and attributes for success:
* A PhD in Classics or an equivalent field.
* Ability to teach Greek.
* Ability to teach Classical Literature courses at advanced undergraduate level.
* Teaching experience at undergraduate level in Greek and in Classical Literature.
* Portfolio of excellent research, including in the form of recent or forthcoming publications in the field, commensurate with career stage.
Click to view a copy of the full job description<>
Application Information
Please ensure you include the following documents in your application:
- CV
- Cover letter
- Writing sample
- Document indicating plans for teaching as outlined in the job description
As a valued member of our team you can expect:
* A competitive salary
* An exciting, positive, creative, challenging and rewarding place to work.
* To be part of a diverse and vibrant international community
* Comprehensive Staff Benefits, such as a generous holiday entitlement, competitive pension schemes, staff discounts, and family-friendly initiatives. Check out the full list on our staff benefits page<> (opens in a new tab) and use our reward calculator to discover the total value of your pay and benefits
Championing equality, diversity and inclusion
The University of Edinburgh holds a Silver Athena SWAN award in recognition of our commitment to advance gender equality in higher education. We are members of the Race Equality Charter and we are also Stonewall Scotland Diversity Champions, actively promoting LGBT equality.
Prior to any employment commencing with the University you will be required to evidence your right to work in the UK. Further information is available on our right to work webpages<> (opens new browser tab).
The University may be able to sponsor the employment of international workers in this role. This will depend on a number of factors specific to the successful applicant.
Key dates to note
The closing date for applications is 28 February 2025.
Unless stated otherwise the closing time for applications is 11:59pm GMT. If you are applying outside the UK the closing time on our adverts automatically adjusts to your browsers local time zone.
Interviews will be held 14 March 2025. -
Feb 05Mittwoch, 05. Februar 2025 12:44
Lecturer in Ancient History
Full Time / Permanent / £52,487 to £61,534
About us
The History Department at UCL is an inclusive and collegial place to work, attracting scholars from diverse backgrounds and across the world, at all stages of their careers. We are unusual both for the innovation of our work and for our chronological breadth. Members of the department specialize in periods from 3000 BCE through to the present, with distinctive geographical strengths in the Americas, Africa, the Middle East and South Asia, as well as Europe and Britain. We have shaped a wide variety of fields, from intellectual and cultural history, medieval history, early modern British history, to histories of the British Empire, transnational and comparative history, and material history. Our work has played major roles in debates about slavery and the British empire and public history, notably through the Centre for the Study of the Legacies of British Slavery. We also lead work at UCL on the climate crisis through UCL Anthropocene.
The Department currently includes 41 permanent academic staff, 8 teaching staff and 8 research fellows, all supported by a Professional Services team. Members of the department regularly hold major fellowships and grants for a wide variety of projects, such as the one major ERC-funded projects: ‘African Abolitionism: The Rise and Transformations of Anti-Slavery in Africa (AFRAB)’ (Benedetta Rossi) and the £10m philanthropically funded Iraq-based research network ‘Nahrein’ (Eleanor Robson). In addition, UCL History has been a longstanding springboard for early career scholars holding research fellowships from the British Academy, Leverhulme Trust, European Research Council and elsewhere.
UCL History routinely receives very high ratings in university rankings and in Research Excellence Framework exercises.
For further information, please see our website:
About the role
UCL History Department seeks to appoint a Lecturer to undertake research and teaching at all levels (undergraduate, taught postgraduate, and eventually also research student supervision) in the history of Rome and the Mediterranean in the period c. 500 BC to AD 100, in order to complement the department’s existing chronological and thematic strengths.
Interview: week beginning 24/03/2025.
About you
Applications are invited from scholars from a broad range of teaching and research interests, especially those that challenge a narrative of Roman exceptionalism and look beyond an exclusively Romano-centric perspective to encompass the histories and cultures of the islands and shores (European and African) of the western Mediterranean region and contiguous lands in the period of Roman expansion. Desirable specialisms might include (but are not confined to) the history of religious cultures, environmental change, human migration, intellectual and cultural exchange, the digital humanities. An ability and interest in contributing to our distinctive MA programme in Public History will be an advantage.
What we offer
Please Visit to find out more.
Our commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
As London’s Global University, we know diversity fosters creativity and innovation, and we want our community to represent the diversity of the world’s talent. You can read more about our commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion here:
Reference: B03-02336 -
Feb 05Mittwoch, 05. Februar 2025 12:41
University of Cambridge - Faculty of Classics
Assistant Professor in Classics (Ancient Greek History)
Full Time / Permanent / £46,485 to £58,596 per annum
Ref: GE43854
The Faculty of Classics is seeking to appoint an Assistant Professor in Classics (Ancient Greek History) from 1 September 2025. The role is open to those, at any stage in their career, with a primary research interest in Archaic/Classical/Hellenistic Greek History.
The successful candidate will have the ability, or be expected to develop, a record of world-class research commensurate with the international reputation of the Faculty of Classics. Teaching responsibilities will include contributing to the development and delivery of undergraduate courses and supervising postgraduate students. The successful candidate will also be expected to play a part in the administrative duties in the Faculty. Information about the Faculty can be found at [<]<>
Candidates will need to show evidence of the following qualifications, skills, and experience:
* Good first degree and a doctorate in a relevant subject area (or clear evidence that completion of such a doctorate is imminent);
* Evidence of ability to engage in high-level research in Ancient Greek History, with publications and participation in scholarly activity commensurate with stage of career;
* Evidence of ability to teach Ancient History effectively and at all relevant levels;
* Ability to play an effective role in the life and work of the Faculty;
* Ability to work as part of a team
In order for your application to be consider, please ensure you upload the following:
* CV
* list of publications
* covering letter
* writing samples (up to a maximum of approximately 20,000 words)
* Candidates should upload in this section PDF copies of recent academic work (published, forthcoming, or work in progress) up to a maximum of approximately 20,000 words in support of their application.
Applicants are requested to ask three referees to write directly toDiese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. > by the closing date. The Faculty will not contact referees; this is the sole responsibility of the applicant.
Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Emily Gowers (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. >). Enquiries about the application process can be made to the Schools HR team (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. >).
The closing date for is midnight (GMT) on Friday 21 March 2025. Presentations are planned for the afternoon of Wednesday 21 and interviews are planned for the morning of Thursday 22 May 2025, subject to change.
To apply online for this vacancy and to view further information about the role, please click the 'Apply' button above.
Please quote reference GE43854 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.
The undergraduate and postgraduate student body in Classics has become increasingly diverse in recent years and we aim to achieve similar diversity among academic staff. Accordingly, the Faculty particularly encourages women and candidates from a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic background to apply for this vacancy, as people from these backgrounds are current underrepresented at this level in our faculty.
The University was awarded the Race Equality Charter Bronze award in 2019; the Faculty of Classics was awarded the Athena SWAN Bronze award in 2021.
The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.
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